2: The Bux:

The Bux is a PTC (Paid to Click) Website. To earn through THE BUX, follow these steps:

1: Make an account on Payza. Payza is an e-cmmerce bussiness that allows payments to be made through the internet between users who have registered for the service (Payza members). You can think of Payza as your online BANK.

2: Make an account on THEBUX. After registering at Bux, confirm the account by email address. Click this Banner to register at THE-BUX.

3: Now, Goto view ads.

4: You will see some ads there.

5: Click on an ad. A new window will appear. Wait for some seconds and a loading will start there on the top left side.

6: After the loading completes. Some pictures will appear there. Click the upside downoad picture.
e.g in the following example. The 2nd picture.

7: Wait for some seconds and ther will be written thanks for watching.

8: now close that window and click the next ad. Keep doing this and watch all the ads. 

Note: Once an ad is watched, you cannot earn by watching it again. 
ads that are wached are in light color while other that's need to be watched are in dark color. e.g in example picture 1st and 4th ads are watched and other needs to be watched. 

Do it daily and earn.

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